About Us
The Lehigh Valley Angel Investors Co (LVAI) originated in the Lehigh Valley in 2011. Our purpose is to provide eligible candidates that possess a potentially lucrative opportunity with capital in form of seed or growth funding. All LVAI members are “accredited” investors with “hundreds of years” of combined experience and business acumen in the development and management of successful organizations. This enduring support has proven to be a significant asset to our investment partners.
LVAI was originally formed to fill a void in angel investing within the Lehigh Valley, but expanded to the Northeast US and beyond. Investments are usually made as a group, however separate funding by individual members does occur. We have enjoyed a healthy roster in membership with about 50 qualified investors in the organization. Qualified applicants for membership are invited to attend a monthly meeting as our guest before considering joining. Please contact our new member coordinator at LINK for additional information or to schedule a guest visit. For candidate’s that need seed or growth funding, we welcome your inquiry.
All opportunities will be vetted by our Steering Committee and those selected will be invited to present at one of our monthly general membership meetings. Our typical “group” investment, after a successful due diligence, ranges from about $70,000 to well over $150,000. Our largest funded opportunity to date totaled $1,500,000 in 4 rounds; with an overall total exceeding $6.4 million to date. Contact our steering committee liaison at LINK for more information.

Photo Credit Steve Wolfe